Strawberry tour

Altough strawberries are common in many countries, strawberries are not that common in Java. One very simple reasons is - for example - that the average Javanese fruitvendor does not have a fridge at his disposal. Strawberries rot very quickly in this tropical climate. That is why most strawberries are processed into syrup, dodol, juice and jam. A restaurant in Bali that focusses on western customers, is a regular purchaser of Ijen's strawberries. Besides, products are sold in the capital of East Java, Surabaya.
The swimming pool that is overlooking the valley is being renovated. Although the water will not be heated, it will be a great view point.

Strawling over seven hectares of strawberries

Strawberries are not are regular scene at a coffee plantation. It is therefore only five years ago that strawberries were introduced. The reason was mainly economic. Strawberries are sold Rp 60,000 per kilogram, that is almost € 5.00.
In the raining season the four hectares strawberries are picked twice a week, in summer (dry season) they are picked three times a week. The yield ranges between 150 to 300 kg per week only. The plantation had been flooded last year which destroyed almost all strawberry plants. Only 15% remained.
The plantation is located at a height of 1100 metres above sea level in a valley, and at night the temperature drops to an eighteen to nineteen degrees. This area actually does not suit the coffee plants. Three breeds are being cultivated, namely Sweet Charlie, Chandler and Holland.

Get to know all Ijens strawberry products

All products are local and hand made. If you take a tour, you will not only have a strawl over the seven hectares, but also get some explanation about the local made products - dodol, jam, juice and syrup - and, you have the chance to witness the processes (including the processing of macadamia nuts). The costs are Rp 115,000 per 10 people. Or, if the group is smaller, you pay Rp 25,000 per person. At the end you will be treated a small box of strawberries.
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Women at work with strawberries
Those red juicy fruits are called strawberries
Products from Ijens strawberries
A look at the strawberries from the view point